Editors Picks: 17 Things Not to Miss in New York’s Art World This Week

artnet news
January 6, 2020

6. “Luis Camnitzer” at Alexander Gray Associates

Originally presented at the São Paulo Biennial in 1996, Luis Camitzer’s room-sized installation El Mirador can only be viewed through a tiny opening, the starkly lit space suggesting an isolated prison cell. The piece can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but is colored by Camnitzer’s examination of the effects of military dictatorship in his native Uruguay between 1973 and ’84. “In the end everything is a prison: the body, the limits of intelligence and imagination, the limits of society,” he says in his artist’s statement. “The real prison is an example of an infinite number of prisons. We are always carrying around a prison, wearing it like a suit.”


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