Regina Silveira inaugurates work on terminal at Houston Airport, USA

January 29, 2025

The artist presents "Paradise": three works that explore winged insects in glass, cement and large art installations


 The public passing through the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, in Houston, United States, will have the opportunity to see "Paradise", the latest project by Brazilian artist Regina Silveira. In all, there are three works: "Paradise Flight", "Paradise Wind" and "Paradise Mix". According to Regina, the diverse research and experiences accumulated during more than 60 years of career have led her to the poetic choices and means of production present in the "Paradise Project".
There were two years of research and production, period in which the artist entered the imaginary of winged insects, references that have inhabited her artistic research for over 15 years. In this process, different graphic patterns of insects have taken on gigantic proportions in various spaces and architectures around the world.
 In "Paradise Flight", a rectangular structure of printed tempered glass is suspended from the ceiling, while "Paradise Wind" was created on the floor with colored cement, simulating a false opening to the sky. "Paradise Mix" features printed glass attached to the wall. In all the works, the different species and scales of insects blend together as if they were flying through space.
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