"Chloë Bass: Wayfinding" brings a provocative outdoor addition to the Pulitzer Arts Foundation

St. Louis Magazine
April 21, 2021

No two visitors will have the same experience in the Pulitzer Arts Foundation’s evocative outdoor installation Chloë Bass: Wayfindingnor will a single observer if they visit more than once.

Depending on the weather, a visitor’s mood, the angles from which they view the artworks, what’s blooming nearby, and when or if they choose to start the audio portion of the work, the 30-plus signs arranged in four “strands” across the museum's campus will provoke different emotional responses.

Artist Chloë Bass grew up in New York City and is an only child. That meant she navigated opposing emotional states of being both isolated and highly activated at the same time, a sensation she’s offering viewers with her work. Bass doesn’t want to impose any specific response on viewers, preferring to encourage them to access their own when they enter the isolation/activation mindset.

“It is intriguing to me what feelings come up for you in that state,” says Bass. “I’m not interested in emotional manipulation. I am capable of it, but I don’t find it artistically interesting.”

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