Podcast: A Conversation with Bethany Collins

Cerebral Women
June 22, 2022

Ep.112 features BETHANY COLLINS (b. 1984 Montgomery, AL). She lives and works in Chicago, IL. Collins is a multidisciplinary artist whose conceptually driven work is fueled by a critical exploration of how race and language interact.

Collins received an MFA from Georgia State University in Atlanta GA, and a BA from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL. Recent solo exhibitions include: Cadence (2022), PATRON, Chicago, IL; America: A Hymnal (2021), Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AK; Evensong (2021) Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN; My destiny is in your hands (2021), Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL; Chorus (2019), Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, St Louis, MO; Benediction (2019) The University of Kentucky Art Museum, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; A Pattern or Practice (2019), University Galleries of Illinois State University, Normal, IL; The Birmingham News 1963 (2018-2019), Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL; The Litany, Locust Projects (2018), Miami, FL; Undersong (2018), PATRON, Chicago IL; and Occasional Verse (2018), The Center for Book Arts, New York, NY.


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