A Trailblazing Lesbian Artist Gets Her Due

June 29, 2019

touch me and let me touch you
for the personal is political
language waivers with desire
it is skin
with which I caress the

 — Harmony Hammond, Blood Journals (1994)

RIDGEFIELD, Connecticut — Contested bodies take center stage in Material Witness, Five Decades of Art, an audacious, and long overdue, museum survey of lesbian artist and activist, Harmony Hammond at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

An impressive medley of aesthetic strategies (rips, sutures, holes, fragments, patches, stitches, wrappings, knots) combined with a startling array of painterly, handmade and found materials (repurposed fabric, linoleum, metal, charred wood, grommets, burlap, natural straw, leaves, root, hair, blood, latex rubber) characterize the visual lexicon of this pioneering artist’s work.

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