Art Dubai

Alexander Gray Associates
March 19, 2014

Art Dubai 2014
Stand A15
Madinat Arena
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Siah Armajani
Estate of Heidi Bucher
Luis Camnitzer
Harmony Hammond
Hassan Sharif


Alexander Gray Associates presents the conceptual and process-based practices of Gallery artists, featuring historical and recent artworks by Siah Armajani, Heidi Bucher, Luis Camnitzer, Harmony Hammond, and Hassan Sharif.

Emirati artist Hassan Sharif, a seminal figure in conceptual art and experimental practice in the Middle East, explores craftsmanship and cultural context through his drawings and sculptures; his systematic abstract drawings employ mark-making to address arbitrariness and social dogma. Luis Camnitzer, German-born Uruguyan artist, uses language as a medium to comment on art making processes, form, and content. Harmony Hammond combines gender politics with post-minimal concerns of materials and process, frequently occupying a space between painting and sculpture, body and object. The late Swiss artist Heidi Bucher (1926–1993) created enigmatic installations and sculptural works, casting domestic spaces and objects in resin and latex to create emotionally charged and formally resonant experiences. Siah Armajani, Iranian-born American artist, is a leading figure in conceptualizing the role and function of public art. Existing between the boundaries of art and architecture, his sculptures and public works are informed by his democratic and populist ideals. Art Dubai 2014 marks Armajani’s debut with Alexander Gray Associates.

About Art Dubai
Art Dubai is the leading international art fair in the MENASA (Middle East/North Africa/South Asia), and has become a cornerstone of the region’s booming contemporary art community. Recognized as one of the most globalized meeting points in the art world today, Art Dubai places an emphasis on maintaining its intimate, human scale while foregrounding quality and diversity.