Luis Camnitzer

Parsons The New School for Design
September 21, 2011

Luis Camnitzer presents unresolved conundrums and questions. The exhibition is intended to stimulate critical multidisciplinary thinking on the topic and prompt visitors to leave responses that serve as new stimuli for dialogue. Like the blog format, the exhibition offers a platform for the artist, curators, and visitors to enter into conversation as equal partners, thereby de-institutionalizing learning and challenging the traditional role of the artist/teacher.

"In The Assignment Book I am trying to bridge the distance between artist and viewer, and start a dialogue and collective research instead of merely communicating by way of a monologue. I would like to share unresolved and sometimes ridiculous conundrums and questions that hopefully lead to critical inter- and multidisciplinary thinking, and unleash similar but collectively generated stimuli. Not unlike the blog format, answers and suggestions should enter the exhibition space so that the stage is shared with the visitors, leading to deinsitutionalized learning: Learning Without a School. In this I abandon the traditional declarative stance of the artist/teacher. Being accountable for how I deal with the assignments I become an unprotected artist/learner."
- Luis Camnitzer