Joan Semmel

Woman in a Rowboat at the Olivia Foundation
February 5–September 28, 2025

Joan Semmel is included in the group exhibition Woman in a Rowboat curated by Diana Nawi at the Olivia Foundation, Mexico City, on view from February 5–September 28, 2025. 

Olivia Foundation's press release follows: 

This exhibition brings together artworks from the Olivia Collection that traverse genres, subjects, and styles to reflect the imaginative space of interiority and self. They range from gestural abstractions to quietly observed still lifes, from surreal objects to evocative landscapes—evidencing the many vocabularies through which we express our inner life. Together they give form to the world around us and offer insights to the world within.

Artists featured in the exhibition include: 
Kelly Akashi
Olga de Amaral
Willem de Kooning
Tomm El-Saieh
Victoria Gitman
Luchita Hurtado
Martha Jungwirth
Anselm Kiefer
Danielle McKinney
Senga Nengudi 
Blair Saxon-Hill
Joan Semmel
Lisa Yuskavage