Art and Practice with Chloë Bass

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
November 15, 2023

Art and Practice with Chloë Bass
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
6:00–7:00 PM 

Art and Practice workshops bring together artists at all stages of their careers to learn from one other. For this session, Chloë Bass joins us for experiments with citation as a live practice. Participants will be situated in the middle of a lecture-performance by Bass, during which they will be asked to share memories and sounds in response to prompts, and in relation to experiences within the Museum’s galleries. Participants are encouraged to interpret all prompts in whatever way is best for them.

This hourlong, in-person program is for anyone who identifies as an artist. It will be followed by a casual reception. This program is free, but an application form is required. To keep the conversation intimate, registration is limited and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. For more information, please contact

Chloë Bass is a multiform Conceptual artist who works in performance, situation, conversation, publication, and installation. Her work uses daily life as a site of deep research to address scales of intimacy—where patterns hold and break as group sizes expand. She began her work with a focus on the individual (The Bureau of Self-Recognition, 2011–13), concluded a study of pairs (The Book of Everyday Instruction, 2015–18), and will continue to scale up gradually until she’s working at the scale of the metropolis. She is currently working on Obligation to Others Holds Me in My Place (2018–present), an investigation of intimacy at the scale of immediate families.