Chloë Bass: Wayfinding

Buffalo AKG Art Museum
July 12, 2024–October 17, 2025

Chloë Bass: Wayfinding, a meditative installation of sculptural signage, will be unveiled in Delaware Park and the Buffalo AKG campus later this summer. Installation of "Wayfinding" will take place between June 17 and June 21, with a celebration of the work on July 11 at Buffalo AKG.

 Buffalo AKG Art Museum's press release follows: 

Location: Buffalo AKG Campus and Frederick Law Olmsted’s Delaware Park 

Wayfinding is a meditative installation of forty-eight sculptural signs placed throughout the grounds of Delaware Park and the Buffalo AKG campus. Through a combination of evocative and lyrical prose and archival images, Bass’s sculptures encourage moments of private reflection in public space.

The work revolves around five central questions written by the artist:

How much of care is patience?
How much of life is coping?
How much of love is attention?
How much of hope is forgetting?
How much of belief is encounter?

And a question written specifically for the Buffalo installation of this work:

How much of truth is coherence?

From these simple yet profound prompts, the artist seeks to build a bridge between internal thought and external social and civic dialogue. Discovery is a fundamental element of this installation. The work is meant to appear and disappear from view. There is no way to “see” the work all at once. There are only discrete experiences that add up to a larger whole, relying on the landscape and a viewer’s unique journey, the signs they notice, and the natural surroundings they observe.

Wayfinding first began at the Studio Museum in Harlem (2019–20), before traveling to the Pulitzer Arts Foundation in St. Louis (2021) and the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles (2022–23).

Wayfinding has been acquired into the Buffalo AKG's Public Art Collection.