Ronny Quevedo

Spin a Yarn at ANOTHER SPACE
November 10, 2023–March 15, 2024

Ronny Quevedo is included in a group exhibition, Spin a Yarn at ANOTHER SPACE in New York.

The institution's press release follows:

Claudia Alarcón, Olga de Amaral, Tony Bechara, Chonon Bensho, Feliciano Centurión, DETEXT, Jorge Eielson, Mónica Giron, Sonia Gomes, Sheila Hicks, Huari Culture, Jessie Homer French, Randolpho Lamonier, Julio Le Parc, Dubreus Lherisson, Mónica Millán, Manfred Mohr, Sandra Monterroso, Mulyana, Anna Perach, Alejandro Puente, Ronny Quevedo, Societé Réaliste, Susan Spangenberg, Pedro Tineo, Georges Valris, Cecilia Vicuña, Yvonne Wells 

ANOTHER SPACE is pleased to present Spin A Yarn, a group exhibition exploring the relationship between language and textiles as vehicles for communication. Derived from the Latin word texere, meaning to weave, both text and textiles share a common etymology and function in their ability to convey narratives and preserve knowledge. While Western cultures have historically prioritized the written word, many societies, particularly those in Latin America, have rich traditions of using threads, knots, and woven materials as markers of identity and as a means of passing information from one generation to another. Featuring a selection of mainly fiber artwork by over 25 artists from different regions and periods, spanning ancient Andean civilization to the present, SPIN A YARN examines the critical significance of pre-Hispanic textiles as powerful means of storytelling and cultural expression.

With weavings, embroideries, quilts, Vodou flags, and fiber-based works, the exhibition considers how modern and contemporary artists have drawn upon indigenous textile techniques to reflect on environmental, political or social issues. Whereas some artists, such as Alejandro Puente and Sheila Hicks reference the feather works and weavings of ancient pre-Hispanic cultures to express a newly imagined Modernist language of abstraction, many employ techniques from their ancestors and communities. Argentine artist Mónica Millán, working with Guaraní communities in the Paraguayan town of Yataity del Guairá, advocates for the preservation of Ao Po’i textile traditions, while Chonon Bensho uses Kené, a traditional geometric pattern of the Shipibo-Konibo community in the Peruvian Amazon advocating for the protection of the Amazonian ecosystem.