Teresa Burga and Regina Silveira are included in a group exhibition, Off-Register: Publishing Experiments by Women Artists in Latin America, 1960-1990 at the Center for Book Arts, New York.
Center for Book Art's press release follows:
Center for Book Arts is excited to present Off-Register: Publishing Experiments by Women Artists in Latin America, 1960-1990 curated by Mela Dávila from October 5 to December 16 2023. This exhibition sets out to explore the creative practices of a series of Latin American women artists who, between 1960 and 1990, channeled part of their artistic impetus into printed and serialized media. The time span covered by the exhibition tracks the expansion of the conceptual movement, which began around 1960 and, depending on the geographical contexts, would last until the end of the 1980s. This was the time when artists’ books and other printed matter joined the list of new formats – installation, video, performance… – that were beginning to spread beyond the classic artistic genres and widen the field of possibilities for creators. Off-Register aims to offer an original perspective on artists’ publications created in these decades, focusing on the printed works produced and published by some thirty women artists who originated from or developed their practice in various Latin American countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela – and the Chicano community in the United States.
Works by or in collaboration with Claudia Andújar (Brazil), Barbara Brändli (Venezuela), Roser Bru (Chile), Teresa Burga (Peru), Feliza Bursztyn (Colombia), Maris Bustamante + No Grupo (Mexico),Vera Chaves Barcellos (Brazil), Alicia D’Amico + Sara Facio (Argentina), Lenora de Barros (Brazil), Mirtha Dermisache (Argentina), Paz Errázuriz (Chile), Gego (Venezuela), Anna Bella Geiger (Brazil), Beatriz González (Colombia), Lourdes Grobet (Mexico), Graciela Gutiérrez Marx (Argentina), Beatriz Jaramillo (Colombia), Magali Lara + Carmen Boullosa (Mexico), Yolanda Lopez (US), Ana Mendieta (Cuba), Marie Orensanz (Argentina), Catalina Parra (Chile), Lygia Pape (Brazil), Liliana Porter (Argentina), Nelly Richard (Chile), Lotty Rosenfeld (Chile), Gretta Sarfaty (Brazil), Thea Segall (Venezuela), Marcela Serrano (Chile), Regina Silveira (Brazil), Tecla Tofano (Venezuela), Regina Vater (Brazil), Cecilia Vicuña (Chile), Diana Witlin (Colombia) and Nirma Zárate (Colombia).