Hassan Sharif: Cotton Rope No. 7, 2012

M+ Museum
March 2023–December 2023

Hassan Sharif's Cotton Rope No.7, 2012 is included as a part of the inititative M+ Facade in which artworks from the Museum's collection are displayed on a 213 x 360-foot-wide screen facing Victoria Habor in Hong Kong.

M+ Museum's press release follows: 

Facing Victoria Harbour, the M+ Facade lights up nightly as one of the largest media facades in the world. At 65 metres tall by 110 metres wide, it is visible up to 1.5 kilometres away when viewed on Hong Kong Island. This enormous light-powered canvas, embedded with thousands of LEDs, enlivens the Hong Kong skyline as a key point of connection with our audiences.

The M+ Facade showcases a dynamic mix of screening works, offering moments of play, humour, poetry, intellectual reflection, and meditative contemplation to thousands of onlookers. Featured works, including participatory and performative screenings, engage audiences through digital platforms, while others playfully evoke the plasticity of time, presenting slow and suspenseful or frenetic and hyperactive cinematic sequences.

M+ is a proud participant in the Hong Kong Environment and Ecology Bureau’s 'Charter on External Lighting'. In order to minimise light nuisance and energy wastage, we switch off the M+ Facade after 22:00 every night.