Lorraine O'Grady

Museum of Modern Art
15 December 2022

Lorraine O'Grady's video Greetings and Theses will be screened December 15 and 16 in part of JAM Film Screenings, Then and Now in conjunction with the group exhibition Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces, at the Museum of Modern Art.

The institutions press release follows:

Just Above Midtown Gallery’s $4 midnight film screenings may have been one reason the organization eventually lost its lease in the newly gentrifying Tribeca, but that didn’t stop them from planning a robust series of programs while they could. Organized in conjunction with the exhibition Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces, this film and video program connects work made during the gallery’s years downtown in the early 1980s with work produced by artists affiliated with the gallery since then. Featured works include Lorraine O’Grady’s Greetings and Theses (2022), in which the artist debuts The Knight, or Lancela Palm-and-Steel, her first new performance persona in 40 years and an avatar of the iconic Mlle Bourgeoise Noire; Kit-Yin Snyder’s Double Exposure (2003), an exploration of the artist’s roots in China and the United States; a selection of videos by the path-making media artist Philip Mallory Jones; Ishmael Houston-Jones and Fred Holland’s improvisational duet Untitled aka Oo-Ga-La (1983); and Karen Finley’s performative response to the prompt “Just Above Midtown.”