Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Alexander Gray Associates
April 30, 2013

Alexander Gray Associates is delighted to host Sanctuary in the City, a cocktail and dinner party benefitting the 300 rescued animals at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Co-Founders of the Gallery, Alexander Gray and David Cabrera are volunteers, members, and committed supporters of the Sanctuary in Woodstock, NY and its mission to provide shelter to farm animals who have been rescued from cases of abuse, neglect and abandonment.

Sanctuary Director and author of The Lucky Ones Jenny Brown, and Co-Founder Doug Abel discuss why farm animals matter. Signed copies of Brown's award-winning book will be available for sale.

Cocktail Hour and Talk: $50
Cocktail Hour, Talk and Dinner Presentation: $175
Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 7:00pm

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization and shelter that works to end the systematic abuse of animals used for food. At the heart of their mission is the hands-on work of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farm animal refugees, as well as educating the public about treatment of animals who are raised for food and the many benefits of a plant based diet. Please visit the Sanctuary in Woodstock, NY, April through October. www.woodstocksanctuary.org

Alexander Gray Associates
508 West 26 Street #215
New York NY 10001
United States