New York Gallery Week

Alexander Gray Assoicates
May 6, 2011

New York Gallery Week (NYGW) is a series of art events, celebrating the most vital gallery community in the world. NYGW is an annual event, that aims to ignite the New York art scene and direct focus back to artists and galleries.

Saturday, May 7, 2011, 1:00 pm:
Conversation with Alexander Gray Associates artist Joan Semmel with artist Ulrike Mueller, moderated by Dean Daderko.
Alexander Gray Associates, 508 West 26 Street #215, New York NY

Ulrike Mueller's work is in the group exhibition, Reflecting Abstraction, curated by Dean Dedarko, currently on view at Vogt Gallery (508 West 26 Street #911).

See list of participating galleries:
New York Gallery Week