Siah Armajani
October 27 - December 17, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented drawings, models, and sculptures by Siah Armajani from his ongoing “Tomb Series” (1972–2016). The Series pays tribute to philosophers, activists, poets, and writers who have informed and inspired Armajani’s art and ideology. This was the second exhibition of his Tombs at the Gallery, and the group... Read more -
Joan Semmel
New Work September 8 - October 15, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented Joan Semmel: New Work , an exhibition of recent paintings and drawings. In this body of work, Semmel explores a central motif in her practice: her own likeness as a site to consider the state of the aging female body as an active, potent vessel for... Read more -
July 7 - August 12, 2016 New York Haptic: of or relating to the sense of touch, in particular relating to the perception and manipulation of objects using the senses of touch and proprioception. Alexander Gray Associates presented Haptic , featuring work by artists Polly Apfelbaum, Amy Bessone, Alexandre da Cunha, Leonardo Drew, Melvin Edwards, Ann Hamilton, Harmony... Read more -
Harmony Hammond
May 19 - June 25, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented its second exhibition of work by Harmony Hammond (b.1944), including paintings, monotypes and ink drawings dating from 2014 to the present. A pioneer of feminist and queer discourse, Hammond’s earliest feminist work combined gender politics with post-minimal concerns of materials and process, frequently occupying a space... Read more -
Hassan Sharif
April 7 - May 14, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented recent work by Hassan Sharif (b.1951), featuring sculptures and woven assemblages. Recognized as a pioneer of conceptual art and experimental practice in the United Arab Emirates over the past four decades, Sharif has transgressed traditional frameworks for art making by extending his practice to performance, installation,... Read more -
Regina Silveira
February 18 - March 26, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented an exhibition of work by multimedia artist Regina Silveira. The works on view emphasize Silveira’s use of graphic visual language through accumulation and skewed perspective to transform our perception of spaces. Throughout more than four decades, Silveira, a critical figure in Brazilian conceptual art, has investigated... Read more -
Coco Fusco
January 9 - February 6, 2016 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented an exhibition of work by interdisciplinary artist and writer Coco Fusco, screening for the first time together a survey of her seminal videos created over the past two decades. Premiering was her latest installation Confidencial, Autores Firmantes (2015), which examines Cuba’s systematic censorship of key literary... Read more