Ann Carlson / Mary Ellen Strom
December 14, 2007 - February 2, 2008 New York Alexander Gray Associates presented an exhibition of video works by Ann Carlson and Mary Ellen Strom. Ann Carlson's award-winning, performance-based works are renowned for expanding the boundaries of dance and choreography. Collaborative in content and process, Mary Ellen Strom's video works blur the line between activism and art history, media... Read more -
Karen Finley
Nation Building October 24 - December 1, 2007 New York The exhibition included two bodies of drawings, in Finley’s signature pen-and-ink style. In the first group, The Dreams of Laura Bush , Finley channels the First Lady’s unconscious through illustrations and text that imagines inner psychological conflicts, incorporating sexual fantasy, popular culture, and current political events. Imagining the personal lives... Read more -
Jack Whitten
September 13 - October 20, 2007 New York Read more -
Dawit L. Petros
June 27 - September 8, 2007 New York Dawit L. Petros’ exhibition included photography and video, exploring conceptual and cultural concerns surrounding landscape, ideas of the post-Colonial, cultural transformation and location. These are discrete works, which are connected thematically. Each draw from specific histories, sources and sites, including locations in Northern Canada, the “American West', and Africa. The... Read more -
Bryan Jackson
Bruce Yonemoto Selects: Bryan Jackson June 27 - September 8, 2007 New York Alexander Gray Associates Alexander Gray Associates artist Bruce Yonemoto selected Bryan Jackson, a filmmaker, theater director and artist whose work have been celebrated on the Gay and Lesbian Film circuit. Jackson’s film, Softly , a highly stylized short film that traces desire, sensuality and romance is the centerpiece of his... Read more -
Kathe Burkhart
The Liz Taylor Series: Selections from 1983–2007 May 16 - June 23, 2007 New York Alexander Gray Associates Elizabeth Taylor’s multiple personae–actress, vixen, Hollywood royalty, serial wife and divorcée, party girl, charitable humanitarian, entrepreneur, rebel, dominant woman–acts as a media-based mirror of contemporary female identity. For Kathe Burkhart, Taylor becomes a doppelganger in her paintings, in which tabloid, paparazzi shots and publicity stills from Taylor’s... Read more -
Jo Baer
April 4 - May 12, 2007 New York Alexander Gray Associates In her exhibition at Alexander Gray Associates, Jo Baer presented four large-scale works, which she has referred to as “image constellations.” These paintings, shown for the first time in the United States, incorporate imagery drawn from a range of historical, mythological, cultural and natural sources. Two paintings... Read more -
Cary Leibowitz
I Love Warhol Piss Paintings February 14 - March 31, 2007 New York Alexander Gray Associates In his exhibition at Alexander Gray Associates, Cary Leibowitz presented new paintings on wood, with works referencing Post-War American art. Happy Rainbow, Sad Rainbow is a diptych that enhances Frank Stella’s 1970s work with psychological humor, questioning identity politic branding and art market taste; I Love Warhol... Read more -
Lawrence Gipe
One Picture and the Next Three January 9 - February 10, 2007 New York Alexander Gray Associates In One Picture and the Next Three , Lawrence Gipe re-represented four archival photographic images as oil paintings, continuing his strategy of severing historical images from their original, politically-charged contexts. The 'Next Three” paintings are sourced from a compilation of photographs by David Douglas Duncan called Yankee... Read more