Ruby Sky Stiler's solo exhibition Ruby Sky Stiler: Ghost Versions at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum.
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum's press release release follows:
Ruby Sky Stiler’s (b. 1979, Portland, Maine) experimentation with Hydrocal plaster evolved alongside her interest in the scholarly history of classical plaster cast replications. Through time these objects have fallen in and out of favor.
Her cast reliefs originate from compositions of detritus from previous works and fragments of left-over materials salvaged from around her studio, making ghostly references to objects she describes as “not present and no longer in existence.” For The Aldrich, her site-specific installation will display her own wall-scale plaster reliefs with a selection of classical casts. The wall arrangement will consist of multiple casts of her works, designed as a tiled repeat pattern. This process calls to mind classical bas-relief, design elements in Le Corbusier’s concrete architecture, Picasso’s sgraffito works, low relief in municipal sculpture, and decorative relief. This interplay of references, espousing both the high and low, explores questions of taste, originality and value.
Curated by Amy Smith-Stewart, Senior Curator.