Ricardo Brey included in the inaugural edition of the Kathmandu Triennale in Nepal.
The institution's press release follows:
The Siddhartha Arts Foundation (SAF), Kathmandu, Nepal announces the artist list of the inaugural edition of the Kathmandu Triennale (KT 2017), which will open on March 24, 2017.
KT 2017 will be curated by Philippe Van Cauteren, artistic director of S.M.A.K., Ghent, Belgium. The exhibition My City, My Studio / My City, My Life will host about 70 artists from about 25 countries. The theme of the Triennale will be a catalyst for a contemporary reflection on the relationship between art, the city and its heritage and is dedicated to the people who lost their lives in the Great Earthquakes of 2015 that hit Central Nepal.
Kathmandu is a city where the challenges of tradition and modernity meet. The city of Kathmandu is an exceptional and inspiring research station where artists from Nepal and other countries can develop their work independent of the burden of the art world. Most artists are invited to create newly commissioned works for the specific contexts of the different exhibition venues: Patan Museum, Siddhartha Arts Gallery, Taragaon Museum and Nepali Art Council.
In addition to this central exhibition, KT 2017 is hosting Curated Showcases or independent exhibitions by institutional and individual partners from Qatar, Bangladesh, UK, Finland, Poland and Australia. The programming includes series of pre-event “encounters” such as workshops, master-classes and other means of educational outreach. Indian curator Veeranganakumari Solanki Jamwal is directing the KT 2017 Symposium, the international colloquium of the event’s opening week.
Siddhartha Arts Foundation takes pride in announcing that Francis Alÿs has consented to be the Patron Artist for the inaugural edition of the Kathmandu Triennale.
The exhibition takes place from March 24 to April 9, 2017. For more information or inquiries about the event: kt.artmandu.org
Artists participating in The City, My Studio / The City, My Life are:
Alice Fox, Amrit Karki, Ang Tshering Sherpa, Anno Dijkstra, Ashmina Ranjit, Bart Lodewijks, Belu Simion Fainaru, Bhuwan Thapa, Bidhata KC, Bikash Shrestha, Cai Guo-Qiang, Carole Vanderlinden, Ciprian Muresan, Diana Tamane, Francis Alÿs, Heide Hinrichs, Henk Visch, Hitman Gurung, Honoré d’O, Imran Qureshi, Javier Tellez, Jorge Macchi, Jupiter Pradhan, Kader Attia, Kailash K Shrestha, Karan Shrestha, Kasper Bosmans, Kiran Maharjan, Kunjan Krishna, Laxman Bazra Lama, Laxman Karmacharya, Lee Kit, Leonardiansyah Allenda, Leyla Aydoslu, Lida Abdul, Loïs Weinberger, Mahbubur Rahman, Majd Abdel Hamid, Manish Lal Shrestha, Martin Travers, Masae Suzuki, Massimo Bartolini, Mekh Limbu, Michael Ross, Mithu Sen, Nedko Solakov, Oscar Murillo, Paulo Climachauska, Peter Downsbrough, Pratima Thakali, Prithvi Shrestha, Ricardo Brey, Roman Ondak, Ronny Delrue, S.C. Suman, Salam Atta Sabri, Sanjeev Maharjan, Saurganga Darshandhari, Setsu Suzuki, Sheelasha Rajbhandari, Shilpa Gupta, Song Dong, Sujan Chitrakar, Sujan Dangol, Sunita Maharjan, Surasi Kusolwong, Tashi Norbu, Tayeba Begum Lipi, Tushikur Rahman, Waseem Ahmed and Youdhister Maharjan